June 01
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Azerbaijan continues to destroy the monuments that are symbols of Armenian victory and independence in Azerbaijani-occupied Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), reports Hovik Avanesov, “Ombudsman of Culture of Hayk.” He noted as follows, in particular, on Facebook:

“We consider it necessary to emphasize that many cases of vandalism and change [by Azerbaijanis] of functions of the monuments dedicated to the Great Patriotic War were recorded also during the Soviet years (...).

This policy is not only cultural genocide, but also psychological terrorism, taking into account the special importance of these monuments for the Armenian people.

On May 13, the karabakhrecords Telegram channel published photos, by studying which it became obvious that the target of Azerbaijani vandalism was the memorial, in the village of Khndzristan, Askeran region, to the [Armenian] victims of the Great Patriotic War and the Artsakh War.

We consider it necessary to note that many memorials and monuments to the [Armenian] heroes who became martyrs for the homeland were targeted by the Azerbaijani cultural genocide.

This list is not complete and is regularly supplemented with new facts of vandalism. The noted facts prove once again that the cultural heritage of entire Artsakh is in danger.”

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